Catholic Campus Life

At St. Brendan High School, we are interested in what students learn and in who they will become. We strive to foster an experience of faith, knowledge, hope, and charity that can only be achieved through a true Catholic education.

Education comes from the Latin “educo”, which means, “to raise up.” To educate is to help someone grow, not only physically, but in all areas. “Educo” also means, “to lead out.” Education entails drawing out something that is inside each student so that they can find their destiny. If the child wants to go from Miami to New York, he/she needs a map. Our School provides students with the maps they need to properly understand their lives and our global world, so that they can discover their interests and personal goals, and become authentic individuals.

This all takes place through a true Catholic education guaranteed by the Archdiocese of Miami. In fact, St. Brendan is largest archdiocesan co-ed high school in Miami-Dade County. The faith that Catholic children practice in their parishes and schools is continued and enhanced at St. Brendan through weekly masses, periodic confessions, daily prayer before every class, numerous retreats, community service learning programs and multiple religious activities. Our students learn not to be content with the little things, because a real and lived experience of faith, knowledge, hope and charity constantly enlarges their souls.

Campus Ministry

As a Catholic School we recognize that our main goal is to enter into a personal relationship with Christ. Campus Ministry exists to provide students with ongoing spiritual formation and unique experiences to serve others and ultimately God. Campus Ministry is open to all students, especially those who have a desire to go deeper into their faith.  Students may participate in campus ministry by attending daily Communion Service, Retreats, and Ignite. 


The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith (CCC 1324). It is at the Mass that we can truly encounter Christ. We celebrate Masses once a month and come together as a school community for the celebration of the Eucharist. In the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent, we have prayer services for the entire family to grow in their faith. Students have the opportunity to attend daily Communion Services each morning before classes begin in our School Chapel. Confessions are held monthly and all students are invited to participate in this Sacrament of mercy.  Students who have not received all of their sacraments of initiation, have the opportunity to do so by attending sacramental preparation classes that begin in the fall and conclude with the Confirmation Mass celebrated in the spring.  


We believe it is important to allow God to renew our strength and to speak truth to our heart.  Our retreat program allows students the opportunity to do just that.  In the Freshman and Sophomore years, students are encouraged to attend a one-day retreat. Juniors are invited to attend Junior Journey, a two-day retreat that focuses on finding their identity in Christ. The Seniors are encouraged to attend a three-day retreat called Encounter, which is an invitation to enter into a deeper relationship with God.  These retreats can be powerful experiences that help shape their Catholic identity and prepare them to take ownership of their faith as they move on to college.


In an effort to encourage our students to put into action what they learn in Theology classes and continue their retreat experience we have created Ignite. Ignite is a Catholic youth group offered to our students once a month. This is a great opportunity to grow in relationship with Christ individually and ultimately as a school community.

“Do not conform yourself to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may know the will of God, what is good and perfect” Romans 12:2

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Jeffrey Caballero

Theology, Service Learning Coordinator

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Rosa Maria Alvarez

Theology, Respect Life Coordinator

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Miriam Smith

International Program Coordinator, Theology Department Chair